* Schools / PTA * Clubs * Churches * Home-School
A FUN and EASY way to earn money for your charity! ...You don't like dealing with collecting registration fees? No worries, we can take care of that for you! The only thing you'll have to do is accept the donation check!
2 Hour Painting Party * 16x20 Canvas
You provide: the space, tables & chairs... we will bring the rest!
- Must be for a non-profit.
- The event must be at least 4 weeks out in order to have time to post and advertise.
- Must be able to be open to the public to raise as much $ as possible (please let us know the maximum seating capacity with tables & chairs.)
- Must be held at a public location, no private residences.
- Public location must be able to accommodate a minimum of 20 people with tables & chairs.
- Minimum 10 people.
- Starts at $35 per person, depending on project chosen.
- $10 of each ticket is donated to the charity (= Minimum donation of $100!)
- Guests register and pay on-line via this (Let's Paint, Y'all) website.
- The charity receiving the donations needs to have a FB Page, and must add the event to their EVENT page section on their FB page, simply by accepting the notification sent by LET'S PAINT, Y'ALL. (We create the event, the organization just needs to accept the FB notification, and it will automatically appear on their FB page.)
- The charity organization must post the event at least once per week on social media, and add it to the website page if possible. We will create the ad & flyers. However, the non-profit/charity MUST PROMOTE ON THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES and WEBSITE. We will also create other promotional material as needed/desired.
- Sorry, NO discounts, no free painters, coupons, etc. may be used or applied toward fundraisers.
- Minimum 15 people, all prepaid.
- May be held at private residence or location of choice.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):